'Sonnet for the Sacconi Quartet' by our wonderful and generous friend Graham Merriam
Perfection is a rash and dangerous word
that slips seductive into careless chat
oft used to praise and, daubed like lemon curd
all thick and sweet, so knobbly toast ‘comes flat.
How can we be content to reach the state
where what we aim for is, in full, achieved?
Complacency, that’s called, which you don’t rate
nor will you ever likely be deceived.
The greatest music needs the greatest care
that execution strives to match the thought
of its creator, restive soul laid bare,
whose teaching must be learnt and can’t be bought.
Your generosity, desire and art
so restlessly provokes and moves the heart.
24 November 2008
Sowerby Music – 21st Birthday Celebration Weekend.